Dynamite Testimonial—Sierra's Story
My name is Lisa Mayne and I live in Middletown, Maryland. My sister, Vicki Bidle-Kelly, introduced me to Dynamite several years ago—I have been using the products since. I have a 20+ year old Quarter Horse/Appaloosa gelding named Sierra that I got 3 years ago to be a companion to my horse Lacey. In his younger years, Sierra was owned by a teenage girl that used him for eventing and fox hunting. When Sierra was in his mid-teens he developed ring bone, both high and low, and was retired to pleasure riding. Then the girl lost interest in riding so Sierra was just turned out to pasture for a few years before I got him. He was very stiff all over, especially in his front legs. He was used to being fed sweet feed so we took a few days getting him off of that and onto the Dynamite PGR and Dyna Pro. We also have all of the Dynamite Free Choice Minerals out for the horses and Sierra took to the Free Choice 2 to 1, eating quite a bit of that for the first few months. Also, my sister told me to put a thin layer of Balm around Sierra’s fetlocks and pasterns. After a couple of weeks, I noticed he was walking better. We also got a very good barefoot trimmer to take care of his feet. Now, my husband is able to trail ride Sierra with me when I take my horse Lacey out. We continue to put the Balm on when we think about it and occasionally we use the Free and Easy on him. He is doing great and is no longer just a companion horse. Sierra can go on the trail rides with the rest of the gang.
—Lisa Mayne Dynamite Distributor, MD
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“The statements made on this page were given freely and are the sole opinions of the author. We always caution that one person’s experience is not a guarantee of results. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Dynamite Specialty Products takes a firm stance that our products always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.”