Monday, July 2, 2012

Dynamite Testimonial—Sugar's Dyna Pro Story

In 2004 I purchased a mare and foal pair. I hadn’t been into horses that long, knew nothing, and just thought the baby was so cute! I had another riding horse as well. I was a novice in everything from horse handling to horse care. I was working with a Parelli Instructor, Linda Green, to learn horse handling skills and she was also a Dynamite distributor. With the exception of the baby, all my horses were shod and on alfalfa and a major name brand “supplement” that I won’t mention that had a high molasses content, corn, and anything else that would make a horse hot. I did what the vet told me to do and didn’t ask questions. A month after adopting the pair, I lost the mare to sand colic and was left with an orphaned 3 month old filly. I moved out of the boarding facility, got my own place, and got deeper into Parelli with Linda Green and my riding horse. Occasionally I would tell her about the filly Sugar, and that I was having major issues with her. She would colic 3 or 4 times a month and I got really good at giving her bute and massive amounts of Pepto per the vets recommendation. I bought Pepto by the case load from Sam’s Club. Sometimes it was so bad and I couldn’t get her out of it and the vet had to come out and tube her. It was a pretty consistent paycheck for him. Linda mentioned Dynamite to me a couple times, but I was reluctant. I came up with one excuse after another not to try it. Then my riding horse had some colic issues too. The cost of the Dynamite was going to be a fraction of what I spent in vet bills and I was skeptical if it was even going to work, but I tried it anyway. I took away the alfalfa, put them on free choice bermuda grass hay and no longer kept them in stalls. My vet was not happy about these changes at all! I stopped vaccinating and using chemical wormers and put them on a detox plan. I did recognize that the colic episodes were at their worst directly after a chemical worming, which I used Ivermectin consistently every 6 weeks. That was in 2005. I then put out the Free Choice Minerals and started them on Dynamite and Dyna Pro. I didn’t take the leap to PGR until later, so I believe it was top dressed with dry cob. Anyhow, since the day that filly started taking Dyna Pro, I have not had 1 colic episode. This is from a filly that for over a year consistently would colic 3-4 times a month. I wouldn’t go on vacation, was worried about leaving the house. Now 7 years later, that filly is an 8 year old mare and my most fun horse to compete on in barrel racing! To top it off, they are all barefoot and sound! I use various Dynamite products today, depending on the horse, but Dyna Pro will always be in every single horse’s regimen that is on my property!

Ashley Trujillo, Distributor, Arizona

If you have a Dynamite Story you'd like to share with us, please send it to us here.

*The statements made on this page were given freely and are the sole opinions of the author. We always caution that one person’s experience is not a guarantee of results. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Dynamite Specialty Products takes a firm stance that our products always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.

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