Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dynamite Testimonial—Sophie's Christmas Dinner

Sophie’s Christmas Dinner

It was the perfect Norman Rockwell Christmas when the phone rings. The call you never want to get. It was Andy, our house sitter, calling because Sophie, a 15-pound Pug, had a Christmas dinner of who knows how many 1000-2000 mg chewable Rimadyl. She was throwing up and did not feel good. I told Andy I needed a minute to breathe but would call right back. Here is the recipe I came up with: I called the emergency vet to see what they recommended. In Sophie’s case it was IV fluids and observation. I elected to have Andy give 12-15 ml of Miracle Clay. If no further vomiting for 20 minutes induce vomiting with hydrogen peroxide until Sophie was vomiting bile. Re-administer 12-15 ml of Miracle Clay. All went well. Sophie calmed down and stopped vomiting. I arrived the next day and went to the vet for fluids and blood work. The blood work came back normal! To be on the safe side I gave 100 ml of fluids and a tablespoon of Miracle Clay for a week. Then we retested the blood work after two weeks - all was well.

I firmly believe the Miracle Clay and a little luck saved Sophie from a disaster. I wanted the clay to coat her esophagus and absorb the Rimadyl in her stomach. I thought that by having her vomit again until it was bile was really cleaning out her stomach. Then more clay to sooth the system. I do use the Rimadyl for my Lab but we have switched to the non-chewable.
—Virginia Jones Director, WA

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*The statements made on this page were given freely and are the sole opinions of the author. We always caution that one person’s experience is not a guarantee of results. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Dynamite Specialty Products takes a firm stance that our products always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.