Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dynamite All-Natural Deodorizer

This is an e-mail conversation between Callie and one of her friends. We thought it was too cute not to share:

Subject: Urgent!

Okay, so maybe that was a little dramatic of a subject line. So (husband) decides it would be funny to put (son)'s bag of dirty diapers in the back of my car. So imagine the magnitude of the olfactory assault we experienced this morning when we got in the car. As I was trying to figure out how to get rid of the smell, I thought of that magic potion you brought to one of our GNO nights that you said gets nasty smells out. Do you still happen to have some??? I am desperate and willing to pay near anything! Let me know if you can rescue me from this hell!!! :-)

Your stinky friend,


Oh, you're so cute! Will you be in Meridian today or tomorrow? I will put a bottle of the ready-to-use spray at the front desk of my office for you. 



So, I picked up your little green potion today and sprayed it WHILE I was parked in your parking lot.  XXX and I went to the park for a few minutes before we picked up (daughter).  I didn't want to get my hopes up and I'm a sucker for the placebo effect, but I swear by the time we got back in after the park it was gone.  However, the true test was when we picked up (daughter) after school.  So, perhaps about 45 minutes from spray until my little bloodhound daughter's nose entered my car and, I'm not kidding, she immediately said, "Daddy's stinky smell is gone."  And I should have prefaced this by saying that when we picked up (daughter)'s friend for carpool this morning, she confirmed that, indeed, the nasty smell was definitely still in full force.

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!  I can't tell you how happy it makes me (and my poor children who have inherited my super-charged sniffer)!  I owe you BIG TIME!

Your Eternally Grateful Friend :-)